TalesConnect Blog

TalesConnect is more than just a writing web site for students, it is a web site learning project for an eleven year old girl, Audrey, with help from me, her father, Kevin. Audrey has been coding since she was nine, first using programs like Scratch, then by attending and eventually mentoring at her local CoderDojo group. She has learned Html and Javascript for web site coding from the Client side, but wanted to learn more about Server side programming.

Audrey has taken an interest in the Server side web site programming, so as a summer 2015 project, I will be teaching her Php, MySQL, and Server side concepts. This blog is for both of us to share our experiences.


Currently, I am designing what each page of Tales Connect will look like. I have sketched them out in a notebook. This is a picture of my storyboard for Tales Connect.

Tales Connect Goals, 6-3-15

Some of my goals for Tales Connect are to have users be able to write and add on to each others stories, share their stories, and get feedback from others. Currently, I have been brainstorming and planning Tales Connect, defining databases for Tales Connect, and drawing what each page of Tales Connect would look like.
Kevin's Blog!